Allahu Akbar

Allahu Akbar

Sunday, June 26, 2011


What is Al Ghuraba? Al ghuraba is an Arabic term which means “the strangers”. There is a hadith of the Prophet (s.a.w.), "Islam came as a strange religion and will leave as a strange religion, so glad tiding to the strangers." 

Now take out a few seconds and think about the condition of the Muslim Ummah in this time and age. How many people do you know who are following Islam the way it is supposed to be followed? As sad as it is, we not only don’t follow Islam the way it’s supposed to be followed but we don’t even follow it to the extent that we can rightfully be called as Muslims. I mean we can argue at length about how our salah lacks the khushoo that the prayers of the sahaba karaam and the pious people had, but then again how many of us even pray five times a day? The comparison is as bizarre as that of an ant and a mountain.

Lets look at it with yet another example. You know, there is one student who is like a full bright scholar, who gets no less than A grades and then on the other hand are students who study the subject just for the sake of it, heartlessly and forcefully, that even getting a passing grade is a big deal for them. And there is a further third category of students; the drop-outs, the students who don’t even bother to make an effort and who simply give up.

And SubhanAllah, most of us fall into the third category. That is our state! At least most of ours and so in this age to find a Muslim (I’m talking about an actual Muslim) is perhaps as rare as finding a black and white tv. And whenever people tend to go against the majority, they are dealt with as weirdos or strangers etc. And that is when we’re supposed to go back to the hadith of the Prophet (s.a.w.), "Islam came as a strange religion and will leave as a strange religion, so glad tiding to the strangers." Read the last part over and over again till it sinks in, “…so glad tiding to the strangers.” SubhanAllah, and this time it is not a sarcastic SubhanAllah either.

That should be motivation enough for us to do our best to be actual Ummatis of the Prophet (s.a.w.), to be true Muslims and to strive to attain the pleasure of Allah. Indeed Allah Himself has said that the greatest thing that a Momin should strive for is His pleasure. And why should we be afraid of other people’s reactions in following Islam to the fullest? When we know that people will always say what they have to and they’ll always have criticisms no matter what you’re doing. Plus at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what people say or what they don’t, we are not doing any of this for them anyway, we are doing it for Allah and for Allah alone.

But sometimes the fact that we practice Islam only for Allah and His pleasure is not enough for us and we are overtaken by worldly distractions, one thing that can help us at such a time is to remember death. This does not have a gloomy and dark meaning in any sense, its just that we should remind ourselves about the temporary nature of this life and about the nearness of death to keep ourselves in check. In fact, there is a saying of Hazrat Ali (R.A.) that a person’s death is so near to him that it can be understood by the like of two people running towards each other.

So please never lose hope in the mercy of Allah, and if you're having trouble in following Islam properly then pray to Allah for help. Recite astaghfar often, pray regularly and pray to Allah to join us amongst the strangers. Make it a habit to do dhikr frequently, pray for Allah’s hidayah and always make a sincere effort to practice and promote the deen. And always, always try to attain Allah’s pleasure, for it is only due to His blessings that we are where we are. Be grateful, be humble and be righteous.

May Allah find you all in good health. Please make dua for all of us.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Excerpt from an article: "Reviving Spirituality"

وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنِ الرُّوحِ قُلِ الرُّوحُ مِنْ أَمْرِ رَبِّي وَمَا أُوتِيتُم مِّن الْعِلْمِ إِلاَّ قَلِيلاً
"And they ask you about the ruh. Say: The ruh is one of the commands of my Lord, and you are not given aught of knowledge but a little." 
[Al-Israa, 17:85]

The concept of spirituality can only refer to two matters, the reality of the created i.e. Who created all the creation and the relationship between the Creator and the created, or/and it can be the ruh, translated often as 'soul'.  Islam enables us to reach spiritual highs by worshipping God; as we earn the joy of closeness to Him, His friendship and His love, and hence progress through the stages of perfection in our character. Spirituality requires 4 things:

1. Faith that Allah alone is the Master; seeking His pleasure is the aim of all endeavors; and His commands alone are the commands that are to be obeyed. 
2. Obedience which makes the man give up his independence and accept subservience to Allah.
3. Taqwa; the state of readiness to undertake all that Allah has commanded and lastly,
4. Godliness. Man should not only avoid evil, for it displeases his Lord, but should also use all his powers to eradicate it from the face of the earth.

These concepts enable Muslims to put their complete faith in God and to let their actions be governed by a greater truth and objective. Their objective is to please God and to them the world is nothing more than a field full of opportunities to perform acts that please Allah.
Occasionally, people pray their salah without ever thinking about the words they are reciting and with these words having no impact upon them. This prayer cannot then be described as spiritual because it has become robot-like. It is just the same as eating a certain meal, or going on a train, as there is no link to the purpose of life. A Muslim is he who does actions to seek the pleasure of Allah and to draw nearer to Him.

There was once an incident of a pious man who on hearing that there’ll be no farz salah in heaven, cried with real tears and proclaimed that it was enough for him that he was given a musalah so that he could pray on it and that would be his heaven. SubhanAllah. That was the serenity and pleasure the souls of these great men received on worshipping Allah.

We should all strive to attain such spirituality and to work towards strengthening our imaan and becoming people of taqwa, for it is only then that we will rid ourselves of a spiritual void which people feel even after attaining all forms of worldly pleasures.
Love of God the Almighty gives life to the Heart and sustains the soul. If the heart loses this love, then the loss it suffers is more severe than that of the eye when it is deprived of its sight and the ear when it is deprived of its hearing.

A sage from the early days of Islam (Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak) recited:
You disobey God,
and yet you still claim to love Him.
By God, such behavior is disgusting,
by any standard!
You would have obeyed Him had your love been true.
For the lover is always obedient to the Beloved!

The purpose of this life is the worship and friendship of God. This life is a test for us: will we turn to God, or will we forget Him? This is where life’s struggle has to begin.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Pakistan ka matlab kia? La Illaha Illallah?

This was one of the slogans used by our great grandfathers, and perhaps their fathers as well, at the heart of the partition and making of Pakistan but somehow down the line these words got lost in time itself. Or perhaps we lost sight of their essence and were left wandering around in this now sad and corrupt land.
To say Pakistan is the land of the pure, is like turning a blind eye to everything that Pakistan stands for in this time. This does not imply that Pakistan is completely deprived of people who do good but simply that as a nation we are sadly a lost cause. With like a thousand different sects each fighting for their own version of Islam, we have forgot that there is only one version of Islam and that is the version our Prophet (S.A.W.) preached us.

To start off by naming who is on the right way or who is astray is not my job nor is it anybody else’s. Our job is only to correct ourselves and the people under our influence, the blame game has been going on for too long and it is about time it stopped. The question now is where did we go wrong? I have heard stories about my own great grandfather both maternal and paternal that depict personalities I have rarely had the fortune to witness. They were people of taqwa and their faces shined with “noor”, and these are just a few of their qualities that I have found out through what I have been told about them.

But what happened from their onward? Who does the blame go to for us being so divided, so corrupt, so distressed, so selfish..? Is it the fault of our parents, our schooling or what? I believe that it was a combination of factors which can be used to explain the condition of our society now and not just one factor alone. However, the fact that most of us have went so far away from our religion is the biggest factor for our distress. A man wouldn’t steal if he knew that his rizk has already been written for him and by no unfair means that he uses will his rizk increase except by Allah’s own wish, poverty would be an unknown and unheard of concept if everyone paid their due zakat and if people were always conscious of Allah and had faith then our society would be rid off of corruption.

So what do we do now? Or what is it that we CAN do now?

We need to reignite our souls and reignite the slogan! Understand and feel the essence of these words: laillahailAllah. There is no such thing as “Pakistan sab se pehle”, there is only “Islam sab se pehle”. Had Islam not been the common factor between punjabis, sindhis, muhajirs, pathans, balochis and siraikis then there wouldn’t have had been any struggle, any will or for that matter any Pakistan. If we have had the fortune of being born into Muslim families and a so called Muslim country then we need to make the most of our situation. Practice Islam and spread its teachings, live by it as it is the best way to live. It is a guideline to make us victorious in this life and in the life hereafter.

So it is now the duty of each and every one of us to make this country the country it was envisioned to be. And make the slogan and the dream a reality- Pakistan ka matlab kia? La Illaha Illallah.