Since lately, I can’t seem to get my head around a topic that I want to write about and I think one of the reasons for that is that I feel like I’m just trying to find the answers to so many things myself that I feel like I have nothing to give away. And yet I continue to write, probably just to ease the turmoil that is silently growing in my head.
One of the things that has been bothering me is when I see people moving about in their lives just satisfied with the way things are, with the way they are, satisfied with what has already been decided for them and with not questioning as to what is the reality of their purpose. They are just so content with the way things are in their lives and the sad part is that they don’t realize that their contentment is only confined to the bubble that they live in, beyond and out of it, they have no idea as to what contentment really is and how to achieve it.
Maybe it is as much our fault as it is theirs’, the picture of Islam that people get is that of restrictions, compulsion and extremism. When frankly speaking, I don’t even believe there is anything known as “extremism” in Islam, you’re either a Muslim or a non-Muslim, because “a Muslim does not have a sliding scale”. This is a quote which was used in a movie called “traitor” and it is a line which couldn’t have made more sense. Any discrepancies that are so often associated with Islam are either bidat, or they are a making of hypocrites or of some anti-Islamic individuals, but to associate discrepancies with Islam is like calling milk black. (This is not a simile, but I thought it made sense.) Islam is refined, it is pure and it is the word of God for crying out loud!
And yet we, humans so boldly challenge it. We call the religion backwards, we call it strict and we forget that Allah Ta’ala Himself says in the following ayat, that He only wants to make things easy for us;
"Allah desires ease for you; He does not desire difficulty for you" (Surat al-Baqara, part of ayat 185).
We challenge Allah’s commandments with the voice of our intellect. Yet we forget Him, Who gave us intellect in the first place! Allah gave us intellect, He gave us reason, He gave us wisdom but not so that we could question Him and stay in ignorance but so that we could use it to understand Islam. The people with the greatest of intellects were the people with the greatest of faiths, take the example of Hazrat Ali (R.A.), Imam Shafi’i, Ibn Taymiyah, so on and so forth.
To sum things up, I guess what we all need to do is to understand Islam before we accept irrational and “extremist” judgments made about it. Islam is not just about restrictions; it is far from that, in fact ONLY 3% of the ENTIRE Quran consists of commandments regarding the halal and haraam. Do not be content with not knowing, and do not be content till you have made an effort to find out what the truth is. Our intellect was not given to us in vain, be grateful for it and use it to understand Islam and its teachings for there is no doubt in the fact that Islam and reason are certainly allies.
“And We have certainly made the Qur'an easy for remembrance, so is there any who will remember?”
(Surah Qamar, ayat 17)