Allahu Akbar

Allahu Akbar

Saturday, June 23, 2012

What’s Your Morning Routine?

I hate routine. Except when it comes to morning routines :) That’s something I try and stick to! ;)
There’s something about starting your day on a number of pre-planned actions that really set your day straight. Below I describe the ‘ideal’ ProductiveMuslim morning routine. (Note: I assume that Fajr Athan is at 5.00am and that work starts at 8am, feel free to ‘adjust’ the routine below to suit your timetable inshaAllah)

4.00AM – 5.00AM: 5 Essential Actions

1. Wake up!

Perhaps the first and most important step to having a great morning routine is waking up early! And it is in that moment of indecisiveness – whether you should wake up immediately or enjoy your nice comfy bed for ‘5 more minutes’- wherein lies the secret to either a great day or a crazy one. Here’s a tip that always works with me for waking up: You know how shaytaan whispers in your ears “just sleep for 5 more minutes”… I simply whisper back to myself “just wake up for 5 minutes” ;) Yup, you can imagine the rest. As soon as you’re awake and begin reciting the Adkhar and making wudhu, you can imagine what happens to sleep – (Gone! Left the building!).

2. Make the Dua(s) for waking up and recite last 10 verses of Surah Al-Imran

Alhamdulillah, we have a beautiful set of “waking up” supplications which Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us. A collection of Wake Up Supplications can be found on My favorite is the recitation of the last 10 verses of Al-Imran (Chapter 3 of the Quran). You can almost feel your heart coming to life and being ‘juiced’ when the first thing you do as soon as you wake up is remember Allah & recite His Glorious Words from the Quran.

3. Make Wudhu

We can all agree, there’s something about wudhu that really focuses your positive energy and cleanses you inwardly as well as outwardly. I had a friend who used to call this feeling “WuBuzz!” short for the “Buzz” you feel after wudhu ;) Don’t forget to say Bismillah before starting wudhu and the dua after finishing wudhu! The 8 gates of Heaven will be opened for you, (not a bad way to start your day ;) and you’ll feel refreshed and ready for the day ahead.

4. Tahajjud & Witr

Tahajjud or Qiyaam has been described as the “honour of the believer”, because who else would go through what you just did (wake up, wudhu..etc) just to stand up and pray? The beauty of Tahajjud is hard to describe; from the feeling of tranquility in your heart and understanding the Quran better at this time, to feeling closer to Allah at a time of isolation from others and wishing that you would never get up from that prostration, to self-reflection moments that we rarely get a chance to exercise in our busy world… all of them and more come from Tahajjud! Finally, praying Witr after Tahajjud and making sincere dua to Allah is a true booster to your day!

5. Istighfar moments

Don’t forget to use the last 5-10 minutes before Fajr to ask Allah for forgiveness and making lots of istighfar so that you are among those Allah mentioned in the Quran:“And in the hour of early dawn, they (were found) praying for Forgiveness” (Quran, Chapter 51, Verse 18).

5.00AM – 5.05 AM: Fajr Athan

Say as the muaddhin (The person who calls to Prayer) says and don’t forget the Dua after athan. Supplications Related to Athaan can also be found at

5.05AM – 5.30AM: Between Athan & Iqama

1. Pray the 2 rak’ahs Sunnah of Fajr

Don’t miss this! Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “The two rakahs before the dawn (Fajr) prayer are better than this world and all that it contains. (Riyad-us-Saliheen (Hadith # 1102). Just think about this hadeeth for a moment; 5 minutes of your time to pray 2 short rak’ahs are better than this whole wide world with all its’ lands, people, treasures, nature and beyond! SubhanaAllah!
Also, if this is the importance and merit of the Sunnah of Fajr, what about the obligatory Fajr prayer itself? (There is a heartwarming video reminder to those who neglect Fajr Salah called: ‘Are you neglecting the Fajr Prayer?’)

2. Dua

Did you know that the time between the Athan & Iqama is a prime time to make dua? Make the most of it! Narrated Anas ibn Malik: “The supplication made between the athan and the iqamah is not rejected.” (Sunan Abu Dawood, Book #2, Hadith #0521)

3. Lie on your right side

Narrated ‘Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her): “Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) used to pray two light rakahs before the morning (compulsory) prayer after the day dawned and the Mu’addhin had finished his adhan. He then would lie on his right side till the Mu’addhin came to pronounce the Iqama.” (Sahih Bukhari, Book #11, Hadith #599)

4. Brainstorm session

I sometimes use this time to either plan my day, or brainstorm ideas for ProductiveMuslim/articles or just reading and writing. You’ll be surprised how active your brain is at this time! You’re awake, alert and kicking ;)

5. Quran memorization

Speaking of your mind being active, memorizing Quran at this time is incredible as well. I have tried memorizing Quran after Asr/Maghreb when I’m tired and back from work Vs. after Fajr. The difference is overwhelming, SubhanaAllah! After Fajr, your brain is truly like a sponge and it is the best time to memorize verses from the Quran :).

5.30AM – 6.00am: Fajr Salat & Dhikr

If you are a brother, and can get to a mosque no matter how far – go for it! The beauty of praying Fajr in the masjid is hard to describe. I prefer walking to the Masjid Vs. driving (cycling is good as well ;) since you get a chance to breath in the fresh morning air; Allah says in the Quran: “And the Dawn as it breathes away the darkness” (Chapter 81, Verse 18)
After Fajr Salah, sit back, relax and enjoy performing the post Salah Dhikr and morning supplications.

6.00 – 6.30am: Recite, Read or Exercise

1. Quran Memorization/Recitation

Recite and/or Memorize Quran as mentioned previously, or if you have a good tafsir book, then reading the meaning of at least one page of the Quran is a great bonus!

2. Reading

Spend this time reading Islamic material. I stress that the reading must be Islamic, because as I mentioned previously, your mind is like a sponge at this time and is highly active. You want whatever you’re reading to be truly embedded into your mind & soul inshaAllah.
Suggested books to read: Hadeeth books, Stories of the Prophets, Seerah, etc…

3. Exercise

Another option is a quick 30 minute exercise. This could be jogging around the block, cycling, using a treadmill, some aerobics/cardiovascular exercises and anything that builds your stamina.

6.30AM – 6.45: Plan Your Day

This is where I plan the rest of my day, of course, using the Taskinator ;). Sometimes I check and send e-mails around this time as well to help me plan my day or set out tasks for myself and team members.

6.45AM – 7.00: Get Ready For Work

Shower, get dressed, and gather your paper work, (although organizing your items the night before makes this 15 minute process of getting ready a lot smoother!) Put things where you can find them so that you don’t waste time searching for them.

7.00AM – 7.10: Duha Prayers.

Nothing sets your day straight like Duha prayer, as mentioned in the “Top 7 Spiritual Productivity Habits” to adopt. Nu`aym ibn Hammar (Allah be pleased with him) relates that he heard the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) say: “Allah Most High says: O child of Adam, don’t fail to perform four rakahs in the beginning of your day, and I shall be your sufficiency at its end.” (Abu Dawud (1289) and Tirmidhi (475).

7.15AM – 7.30AM: Breakfast

Reward yourself for a ProductiveMorning with a big FAT hearty (healthy) breakfast! Try to avoid caffeine and have a fibre filled bowl of goodness to set you in good stead.

7.30AM – 8.00AM: Commute to Work

Don’t forget my tips about commuting ProductiveMuslim style! ;)
Imagine if all your mornings were like the above… how much will you gain spiritually? How much knowledge will you acquire? What will your mood be like for the rest of the day? Try the above, just for one day, and let me know how it goes inshaAllah.
This article has been taken from:

Monday, June 11, 2012

Inviting the Angels of Mercy

By Zehrah Yakoob

Imagine having angels descend from heaven to one’s place. Angels of blessing entering a house day and night; angels sent by Allah to the house of His favourites; angels praying for one while he/she’s involved in recitation of Quran; seeking useful knowledge or even when he/she is simply sleeping in a state of wudu. Angels covering the house under their wings of the one involved in zikr of Allah, the Almighty. Who wouldn’t want all this? So if there’s just this one little hindrance stopping these angels of mercy from entering your house, wouldn’t you want to remove it? Wouldn’t you want to have a blessed home? Wouldn’t you want your house to shine for those in the heaven like the stars shine for us?

Hanging up pictures of animated beings is that very hindrance which deprives people of such a great blessing that is the entrance of angels into their house. It has been narrated by Abu Talha that he heard Allah's Apostle (S.A.W.) saying; "Angels (of Mercy) do not enter a house wherein there is a dog or a picture of a living creature (a human being or an animal)." [Muslim]

As tough as it may sound to those who have their rooms filled with pictures of animated objects, the task to get rid of something the All-Mighty detests is actually not that hard at all. In fact, the old quotation “when there’s a will, there’s a way” works amazingly well when the task at hand is something you are doing for the Love of Allah or for the love of His Prophet (S.A.W.).

If Allah helps you, none can overcome you; and if He forsakes you, who is there after Him that can help you? And in Allah (Alone) let believers put their trust. [Surah Al- Imran 3:160]

We can simply replace the wall hangings of animate objects with inanimate ones. Frames of verses, hadiths, quotations, natural scenery or/and your certificates etc and they are all acceptable. Almost EVERYTHING nowadays comes with pictures, Shaitan will easily fool you, making believe that it’s almost impossible to stay away from this bad nowadays so it’s okay not to fret about it but the trick is simple: keep all framed or hanging pictures lying around your house faced the side without pictures, or if they have pictures on all sides then keep it in closed places like cupboards, drawers etc. 

Newspapers commonly have the most pictures in them. Find the page that has no picture in it and keep it faced up on that side. Dispose off soap, toothpaste and other pictured product boxes as soon as possible. Gather your own pictures lying around and set them in albums. (Note: It’s preferable to completely get rid of stuff with animate pictures but as a start you can begin with these recommendations) It is also worth noting here that one should strictly avoid hanging pictures of the dead. This is very common around us. Doing so is not only prohibited in Islam but also renews the grief. Let us recall that shirk in old times was usually initiated when people set up pictures of the dead ones who had lived righteously. And eventually the people of the later generations started praying to them and giving them higher status than the very Creator, Himself.

And the people of Moses made in his absence, out of their ornaments, the image of a calf (for worship).  It had a sound (as if it was mooing).  Did they not see that it could neither speak to them nor guide them to the way?  They took it for worship and they were zalimun (wrong-doers). [Surah Al-A'raf 7:148]

Similarly, just as we’re not supposed to keep pictures in our homes, we’re also not supposed to DRAW pictures of living things either. But that’s a whole new topic in it of itself. A hadith to be keep in mind is that the Prophet (S.A.W.)  said: “Every image-maker will be in the Fire, and every image that he made will be made to appear to him and will torment him in Hell.”

It is sad, however, that us, Muslims are living in such ignorance that we don’t even know this strict ruling against pictures in Islam. Ask yourselves; what kind of Muslims are we, really? We are Muslims who keep pictures of animated creatures for ‘decorative’ purposes or for the ‘remembrance’ of other people. We are ready to replace the Rehmat of Allah Ta’ala with the satisfaction we get from seeing pictures of strangers, relatives, our own selves and/or even animals. We are Muslims who are ready to lose the Rehmat of Allah being sent on us by putting up immodest boards (especially lawn boards) all over the city. Then we cry over how miserable our lives and the conditions of this country are. How can one expect to be in peace in a place where there’s no Rehmat of Allah Ta’ala?

We can’t achieve anything without Allah Ta’ala’s Help and Mercy on our sides. So may Allah help us remove pictures of all living things and animated beings from our homes and from all over the country. And may Allah take us out of our ghaflat. May Allah grant us the taufeeq to seek and implement on the knowledge regarding what our Lord has commanded and what our Prophet (S.A.W.).

“We turn to you Ya Allah, we beg you to save us from the ghaflat that we are in. We are ashamed of having broken your rules; please turn us into your obedient slaves. Aameen.”

رَبَّنَا ظَلَمْنَا أَنفُسَنَا وَإِن لَّمْ تَغْفِرْ لَنَا وَتَرْحَمْنَا لَنَكُونَنَّ مِنَ الْخَاسِرِينَ
[الأعراف :23]
Our Lord! We have wronged our own souls: If thou forgive us not and bestow not upon us Thy Mercy, we shall certainly be lost.

Anything good written here is from Allah and any mistake is from myself.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Better than a revolution

Corruption, killing, robbery, lies, deceit, bribery, adultery have all become regular items of our news. Perhaps our people are now so blinded with only their self-interest in mind that a life only has value as long as it is one’s own. Our people are being slaughtered like goats and cows and what’s worse is that nobody is willing to change things because they are worried about what will happen to their own selves. Our morality is going down the drain. Our television shows ridicule our leaders and draw humor out of it whereas our leaders have been ridiculing us for even longer, what people don’t understand is that “hum sab umeed se nahin hain balke hum sab behiss hain.” Perhaps they should make a show on that.

We are a diverse nation with Balochis, Pathans, Siraikis, Gujratis, Memons, Punjabis, Urdu speaking and people from many other areas and somehow these differences are now causing conflicts. And how could they not when we seem to have lost the binding force that united us in the very first place? The basis on which we all united was, is and will always be superior than any difference could ever be; we united for Islam and for a nation in which we could freely practice Islam. What is ironic however is that the country for which so many lives were sacrificed is now  a place where human blood is cheap, where Islam was supposed to be practiced has become a place where even humanity is unseen and unheard of.

Perhaps, it is as though we’ve entered the dark ages once more. Yet there is still one cure and one source that can heal the damages done and prevent all future ones; that source is Islam. And the Only Being Who can save us from the tyranny of these landlords, corrupt leaders and corrupt officials is the Most Supreme Being; Allah. Higher education, technology, MUNs and all such things can only take us so far; however, we will only become HUMAN BEINGS once again in the very true sense once we start following Islam properly. We now more than ever need to turn to Allah for help, for acceptance, for forgiveness and for seeing the truth as it is.  We are struck in distress and natural calamities have, as if, taken a toll on us and it is nothing but the fact that we have angered Allah but He, the Rahman, the Raheem, still gives us another chance; every day, every minute, every second. So expensive is our time yet we take ALL of it for granted; laughing it off, sitting on facebook, talking about vain things so on and so forth.

We are meant to live for so much more yet we have lost sight of our purpose. Our purpose isn’t to get a good college degree or a good job, those are just supposed to assist us in our living. Our actual and primary purpose is to please our Lord, the Creator of all things; for He hasn’t created the human beings and the jinn for any other purpose but to worship Him. And the irony is that our lives seem to revolve around all things but seeking the pleasure of Allah. We have to squeeze out time to pray to Allah, in between our very “busy” schedules.

Islam is not just a religion, it is a light. Without it, there can be no morality.

“Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire. Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things.” –Surah Nur, Verse 35.

We need to come back to Islam. Start from the basics if you have to, or more so, start from simply learning about Islam. But know that Islam IS the answer to all our problems and the only answer to it as well.  We can’t change the world and nobody is asking us to either; we can only change ourselves first and then the ones in our circle of influence. If all of us just do this alone then this, in it of itself, will bear fruits which will be better than any revolution.

“ And that there is not for man except that [good] for which he strives”- Surah Najam, Verse 39.

Value time, value opportunities, seek the truth, learn about Islam and spread it. And then leave the rest to Allah and see what miracles happen!