Allahu Akbar

Allahu Akbar

Saturday, March 30, 2013

We have gold in our pockets and we’re running after dust.

Know that the life of this world is but amusement and diversion and adornment and boasting to one another and competition in increase of wealth and children - like the example of a rain whose [resulting] plant growth pleases the tillers; then it dries and you see it turned yellow; then it becomes [scattered] debris. And in the Hereafter is severe punishment and forgiveness from Allah and approval. And what is the worldly life except the enjoyment of delusion.” (57:20)

I once attended a conference in which one of the speakers asked if we all believed in death being a reality and everyone nodded. Then he expressed his shock at how every person believes in death, yet we still fail to prepare for it. We are so well-aware of the fact that EVERY, SINGLE thing in this world will eventually perish and yet we run after it as if it will last forever. He compared this attitude of ours to a beautiful analogy; he said that it’s like we have gold (Islam) in our pockets and we’re running after dust (dunya).

Have we ever thought that what will we do when the angel of death appears in front of us and tells us that our time is over? What will we do at that moment? There will be no second chance then. Or are we so confident about ourselves that we think that the angel of death will come and will give us glad tidings of heaven right away? Are we really that pious? By God, I don’t know how the angel of death will appear in front of me or what will I say when my time will come. I just know that at that point I wouldn't want to say “I’m not ready.”

I say all this because I’m scared of my end and I’m scared of what will happen to the ones around me. This is nothing but a heart-felt cry. Maybe, expecting everyone to become pious is too much to ask for when I, myself, struggle to do the bare-minimum every day. But isn’t it rational to at least expect people to be worried about what they’re doing and where they are headed? It’s not that easy to become pious but it’s the intention and the struggle that matters. What is scary is not seeing people sinning but rather what is absolutely terrifying is when people sin and remain content with their heedlessness.

Have we become so shallow that living a prosperous life is all that we aim for? What was supposed to only assist us in our obedience to Allah Ta’ala has become the sole objective of our lives! The other day this teacher in our university seeing a student all dressed up, inquired about the reason behind it. To that the student proudly replied that he had a job interview at a prestigious company (which by the way is completely acceptable). The teacher unable to contain his emotions, sighed, and said, “I wish we could dress up for Allah like this! I wish!”

Such a reaction was brought about because we are so ignorant of the Presence of our Beautiful Lord, we are heedless of His Presence, His Gaze and His Mercy yet when it comes to the presence of any (remotely) important personality then we are ever so conscious. It is such a mind-blowing contrast and an absolutely devastating one, too. Our lives and our objectives have toppled upside down and it’s high time that we repair them.

I see people rushing through their lives worrying about petty issues. We have become so engrossed in our lives that we completely fail to grasp the bigger picture. Pause for a minute and evaluate your lives; think of the true purpose of our being. Trust me it can’t be as vain as simply having a good time! There’s more to our lives than our minds perceive but Allah Ta’ala has not just put us in this world to figure out everything by ourselves. He has given us the Quran, He has given us the Prophet S.A.W., He has given us the Sahabah (R.A.), He has given us scholars of this religion in the times that have passed and in the present times as well. All we need to do is make a sincere intention and take the first step, Allah Ta’ala through His Mercy and Grace will Inshaa Allah open up all doors for us.

Allah (swt) says: “Take one step towards me, I will take ten steps towards you. Walk towards me, I will run towards you.” [Hadith Qudsi]

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