Allahu Akbar

Allahu Akbar

Wednesday, June 19, 2013


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Say hello to a world of vanity!

[Disclaimer: This article is not intended towards any particular person but is rather directed towards the tragic culture that we all helplessly succumb to.]

This article itself is inspired by a beautiful article I read recently about how to talk to little girls.

Let me start off with a little story, it was not such a long time back that I was at a place where I saw a little girl, probably not more than 12 years old, who was standing in front of a mirror and was fixing her hair. That's pretty normal, right? What was not normal, however, was that she continued to do that for a REALLY, REALLY long time. She kept throwing her hair here and there and staring at herself. And I felt disgusted at myself, do you know why? Because that girl should have had a million better things to do with her time. She could have played, read a nice book or done anything remotely constructive rather than just staring at herself in the mirror for that long.

We are building a world full of vanity where it is more important to look good then to be good. When, in essence, good looks will eventually fade away but good deeds and the impact that you have on other people are the only things that last. Not to say that looks aren't important, they are important in the sense that one should take care of themselves but to make that one's sole priority is simply depressing.

What is a pretty face worth if it lacks personality?

Its sad to see that many girls wear foundation and blush and God knows what on a daily basis. They spent so much time worrying about their looks while their souls are deprived and lethargic. Ever met someone with a beautiful soul? I have met many such people through God's mercy and their beauty is incomparable to even the most ''beautiful'' people in the world because its their souls that shine through. You can see the light on their faces and in their eyes when they smile and talk to you. And their feelings towards you are free of any deceit and they are sincere in their love and concern for you.

These are the types of people we should all be striving towards becoming and these are the types of people whom we should set as role models for ourselves and our younger ones. Because I can say with certainty that I wouldn't have cared the least bit about anyone around me if all they had was a pretty face and no personality, no compassion, no morality. It is when we become so proud and shallow that we start taking people for granted. I have seen people who practically live in their own bubble, where using people is common and one is only friends with the people around them as long as they serve some benefit to them and as long as they are appealing to their eyes. But alas, people get bored.

On the contrary, do we ever think about our lives; where we are headed and what we are doing with it? At the end of the day, we will all have one end, one abode, one final destination. We will all be buried in our graves and it really wouldn't matter at that point how pretty we were or how many compliments we received.

[Not trying to paint a gloomy picture here but rather a realistic one. All I am trying to ask for is that we contemplate...]

We are a generation living in this world and millions and millions of people have lived before us and have passed away. I am sorry but I refuse to believe that such a tremendous happening was due to chance and I refuse to believe that my life was also just through some random happening. I believe and I know that I have been brought to this world by Allah, my Lord and the Lord of everyone in this entire universe. He chose for us something huge and brilliant; to live our lives to serve Him by worshiping Him and having an excellent character towards other people. Not so that we keep updating our profile picture and statuses every second.

Look pretty, there's no harm in that but PLEASE don't make that your biggest concern. Realize your purpose. Live like you'll have to answer for every single thing you do. Value people; respect your elders, your teachers and the people who work under you. Be kind and make your presence matter by having a beautiful heart; for a beautiful heart never gets old while a beautiful face does.

Anything good herein is from The Lord Almighty and any mistakes are of my own. I sincerely apologize if anyone feels offended but this is not at all directed against anyone for only Allah knows what's in peoples' hearts and I am no one to judge.

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