Allahu Akbar

Allahu Akbar

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Torn between two extremes

"Some days,
 I feel everything at once,
Other days,
I feel nothing at all.
I don't know what's worse:
Drowning between the waves
Or dying from the thirst."

In one of the recent lectures by Shaykh Kamaluddin, he talked about a trick of shaytan and that was that he keeps some people at extremes; these people either are totally submerged in the dunya and so lack the feelings in all their acts of worship or they are so submerged in the deen that they do more than they can and eventually burn out. As sad as it is, many of us are victim to this trick of his, however, Alhamdulilah there are many ways to combat it.

1) Make the right niyyat: Actions are based on intentions (niyyat). This is one aspect that is so often repeated yet the most neglected, we take it for granted that whatever acts of worship we are doing are obviously for Allah Taala and hence we dont specifically work on our niyyat. However, just working on and renewing ones niyyat can stir up miracles! Working on ones niyyat helps one realize that whatever is being done is only for His sake and so it cancels out any room for corrupted intentions that may creep up every now and then (such as showing off etc) if we dont renew our niyyat. Secondly, it acts as a great imaan booster; perhaps it is a blessing from Allah Taala that just by renewing our intention, we can feel such a strong sense of purpose and a stronger imaan Alhamdulilah. Moreover, the best part about niyyat is that it can have a multiplier effect (this is the coolest part)! :D What does having a multiplier effect mean? It means that for every one action the more niyyats youll make the more reward youll get. So, for example; if a person does wudu then that person can make multiple niyyats like getting cleansed from sins, getting cleaned because Allah Taala likes purity, getting cleansed to do worship, fulfilling the sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W.W.), so on and so forth.

2) Make dua: I had never understood why the Sahaba karaam (radi Allahu Taala anhum ajmaeen) used to make dua for everything, even for the soles of their shoes when they would break. Seriously, it was just beyond me. I felt that it would be disrespectful if I would ask Allah Taala for such little things as He is so Majestic and Supreme. But I was so wrong in my myopic judgment. My fifth semester; my worst semester at university begun like this; my exams were about to start and my phuppo was going for umrah. She told me that she would make duas for my studies and deen and everything and I being so smart (read ignorant) said that No, no. My studies are manageable; just make dua for my deen, please. I didnt say that because I thought I was smart enough but I felt that it wasnt important enough for me to make dua for it. Lo and behold! I had the worst experience in that semester only to realize that Allah Taala is in fact Supreme and Majestic, in fact so much so that not even the easiest of things are possible without His aid. That was when I realized what it meant when Sahaba karaam (radi Allahu Taala anhum ajmaeen) prayed for even the smallest of things from Allah Subhan-a-hu-wa-Taala because He is capable of everything and we are capable of absolutely nothing without His help. (Sorry this got longer than it was meant to be!) In short; Nothing is difficult if you seek it through your Lord and nothing is easy if you seek it through yourself! So we must in shaa Allah start any and everything with dua, make a small dua if you are short on time but do make dua. This is also a huge blessing that Allah Taala has given us. It is an amazing tool since it not only helps us in getting His help but also helps us build a connection with Him!

3) Start small: The first blunder we make is that when we feel a surge of imaan, we make the mistake of doing everything we possibly can and hence find things extremely difficult and impossible to sustain. Instead of doing this, we need to start small; for example; if you didnt recite Quran previously then start small like one page a day and slowly build on to it. Do not over exert yourself and do not try to become perfect Muslims in one day. It is simply not possible so dont aim for it either!

4) Consistency: This is perhaps one of the hardest parts because it is so easy to fall back especially when a person tries to add new good actions into ones routine. One way to go about it is to make a routine! Specify times for different actions you need to do; for example; one can decide that he/she needs to make all tasbeehat by maghrib time. Furthermore, while adding new tasks, for example adding new tasbeehat in ones routine, add them in small quantities so that you dont fall back on the tasbeehat that you have been doing regularly.

Apart from the aforementioned points, other things that can help in staying consistent and having feelings in one's acts of worship are:

5) Self-check: This is essential because it helps in reflecting upon our mistakes and makes us realize our areas of improvement and the needed plan of action. It should be done daily and also on a weekly or/and monthly and so on basis. Every night one should evaluate the decisions, conversations, thoughts etc one has had and think about what he/she did wrong and if he/she did good then what more could he/she have done or what could have been done better. Self-checks are extremely helpful because many times we don't pay attention to what we do until we sit and reflect. Daily self-checks can really give us insights about our weaknesses and strengths and help us do much better. One should also keep daily/weekly and so on goals and should check whether he/she has been able to achieve them or not.

(Keeping good company also helps in keeping check on ourselves because when we are surrounded by righteous company then that leads to positive peer pressure and motivates us to do more good and helps us abstain from bad deeds which is extremely hard to do if one is striving all by him/herself!)

6) Imaan boosters: (This is my favorite part!) So we all have something that just gives us that needed push, for most of us it is usually the same; like recitation of Quran, making dua, Islamic lectures or/and company of our elders. Since none of us lives in isolation and we interact with the world on a regular basis hence it is very easy to get distracted or concerned about worldly matters and these imaan boosters help in making us realize what is actually important and ever-lasting and hence are able to  increase our imaan.

These are just a few pointers, there can be many more that one could use to have consistency in one's good deeds and to have the right kind of feelings in one's ibaadaat . May Allah Ta'ala guide us to do good and may He be pleased with our little efforts for verily He is Ash-Shakoor! Ameen!

Everything good herein is from Allah Ta'ala and all the shortcomings are my own.

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